Strategic Communication: An Introduction by Jesper Falkheimer, Mats Heide

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  • Strategic Communication: An Introduction
  • Jesper Falkheimer, Mats Heide
  • Page: 174
  • Format: pdf, ePub, mobi, fb2
  • ISBN: 9781138657038
  • Publisher: Taylor & Francis

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Strategic Communication: An Introduction by Jesper Falkheimer, Mats Heide Strategic communication comprises different forms of goal-oriented communication inside and between organizations, their stakeholders and the society. Strategic communication is an emerging practice and research field integrating established disciplines such as public relations, organizational communication and marketing communication into a holistic framework. The field is based on an awareness of the fundamental importance of communication for the existence and performance of all organizations. This textbook offers a broad insight into the field of strategic communication. The main aim of the book is to give a general overview of theories, concepts and methods in strategic communication. The book also aims to develop an understanding of different perspectives and the consequences each one has for practice. After reading the book the student or reader will be able to define and reflect upon strategic communication as an academic field and professional practice, describe relevant theories and apply these to communication problems. The authors apply a reflective and practice-oriented approach meaning earlier research or theories are not only described, but also discussed from different critical perspectives. A practice-oriented approach means, in this book, that the authors strongly emphasize the role of contexts and situations—where strategic communication actually happens. This book will help business and communications students to not only define and understand a variety of strategic communications theories, but to use those theories to generate communication strategy and solutions.

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Enrollment limited to communication management and design majors and integrated marketing communications majors. This is a block course. 1 credit. (Y). STCM 10300 - Introduction to Strategic Communication LA. Introduction to the fundamental theories, concepts, and applications of strategic communication to meet a  The Communication Grid by Betteke van Ruler | Betteke van Ruler
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